Home PANDIE Coin PANDIE Coin Frequently Asked Questions

PANDIE Coin Frequently Asked Questions


What is the total supply of PANDIE Coin?
The total supply of PANDIE Coin is capped to ensure scarcity and value retention. Check the official channels for the exact numbers.

Where can I store my PANDIE Coin?
You can store PANDIE Coin in any wallet that supports Solana tokens. Popular choices include Phantom and Sollet wallets.

Is there a community for PANDIE Coin?
Yes, you can join the community on Telegram and follow updates on Twitter.

How can I stay updated on PANDIE Coin news?
Follow PANDIE Coin on Twitter and join the Telegram group for the latest updates and news.

CA: J1hNzzuCBPtNQeNzSKPyBkgvpffostWoHgzHtNU2jzwS

PANDIE Coin Market Cap: $145,832

Secure linkPANDIE Coin CA: J1hNzzuCBPtNQeNzSKPyBkgvpffostWoHgzHtNU2jzwS

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